Does this thing still work?
(too old to reply)
2008-07-15 21:20:08 UTC
Hmm it is Tuesday, and deathly quiet...where is everyone?
We are leaving for Norway next week, and my poor hubby broke his leg 3 weeks
ago, and will have travel sporting his fabulous hot pink cast.
But traveling with 2 kids and a crippled husband won't be too fun.
Hope everyone is having a great summer...can't wait for the Graveyard Book.

sweltering in the humidity
Good Mistress Mousey Accost
2008-07-17 23:58:29 UTC
Post by Ingrid
Hmm it is Tuesday, and deathly quiet...where is everyone?
We are leaving for Norway next week, and my poor hubby broke his leg 3
weeks ago, and will have travel sporting his fabulous hot pink cast.
But traveling with 2 kids and a crippled husband won't be too fun.
Hope everyone is having a great summer...can't wait for the Graveyard Book.
sweltering in the humidity
Still here, but only checking sporadically. It *is* quiet around here.
Probably didn't help that I had in-laws in town over the 4th, so the
semi-monthly didn't just go out late, but not at all. At least you can
usually count on that... snuh.

Any hoo. Travelling overseas with 2 kids and a crippled husband doesn't
sound like too much fun at all. But at least the hot pink cast should
provide for some amusing commentary from the family! :P
"How much DO babies I've signed go for on ebay?" - Neil Gaiman
it's just me...
2008-08-07 01:32:06 UTC
Post by Ingrid
Hmm it is Tuesday, and deathly quiet...where is everyone?
We are leaving for Norway next week, and my poor hubby broke his leg 3 weeks
ago, and will have travel sporting his fabulous hot pink cast.
But traveling with 2 kids and a crippled husband won't be too fun.
Hope everyone is having a great summer...can't wait for the Graveyard Book.
sweltering in the humidity
Little late but I hope the trip is/was good! I've been slacking in my
news groupely duties.

